[2183] Missions Immersion Experience

You may not really be sure where you fit, but you have a passion to serve and use your gifts and talents to build the Kingdom overseas. Why not consider serving as an intern in Cambodia?

Once the jewel of Southeast Asia, Cambodia has undergone a tumultuous history with years of civil war and genocide, but it now has one of the fastest growing evangelical churches in the world!

During your ministry in country, you will be paired with a local Assemblies of God missionary and do whatever they are doing, getting a real look into the life of full-time missions. You will explore various opportunities and see how God can develop you and your calling. Ministry may include teaching English, youth and children’s ministry, university ministry, discipleship classes, developing new strategies, prayer sieges, etc.

If you are considering a lifetime in missions, we would love to be the first step in your journey.

Singles and couples are all welcome to serve. Opportunities start immediately.