In Asia Pacific, 95% of people don’t know Jesus in places the gospel has never reached. They have waited long enough. We are reaching



Since 1914, we have been at the forefront of planting, growing, resourcing and missionizing the local church to see communities of Christ-followers established wherever the church is not.

Missions and Me: May 2025

Do you feel called to serve in Asia Pacific but are unsure of the next steps. We can answer your questions and equip you on your journey into missions.
Join us for a 3-day event to discover how you can serve in Asia Pacific.

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"Deposing Kingdoms" provides practical, biblically grounded insights on spiritual warfare, drawing from Ephesian scripture and missionary experiences to guide believers in navigating and defending against spiritual battles.

Four Major Religions:

Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Animism

Asia Pacific Missions is fulfilling the Great Commission through a wide range of ministries. We’ll help you find your fit on one of our teams.