We are focused on 10 Key Ministry Areas (KMAs):
Never-Reached People Groups
The Never-Reached People Groups KMA is a collection of missions practitioners who are passionately and strategically focused on reaching 26 yet-to-be-reached ethnic groups of Asia Pacific. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, partnership with host churches, focused prayer initiatives, and committed workers, we will see the light of Jesus come to some of the world’s most spiritually dark and challenging places. We created a platform for workers to collaborate with, learn from, and be encouraged by each other. This collaboration has already created inroads to the never-reached, and lives are being changed by the gospel.
Our work prioritizes local Christian fellowships as the primary means of reaching Asia Pacific with the good news of Jesus Christ. The Church Growth and Development KMA provides opportunities for networking and resourcing to personnel who are working with host churches in church planting, Bible schools, pastoral training, and related missionary work. Our goal is to generate an atmosphere of mutual encouragement, free sharing of ideas, and peer mentoring that sharpens and strengthens our work.
The Campus and Youth Key Ministry Area (KMA) networks together across the region for peer mentoring and resourcing to establish healthy, effective, sustainable, and reproducible local church-based youth and campus ministries.
Trafficking and At-Risk People
The mission of the Trafficking and At-Risk People KMA is to create a platform to equip the like-minded with a passion to disciple and reclaim the victimized and at-risk populations in the never-reached locations of Asia Pacific. This KMA attracts and trains future leaders and shares resources among existing leaders.
Our KMA connects children’s ministry leaders to training, resources, and community to serve the children of Asia Pacific through activities such as community outreach programs, Sunday school, children’s church, kids’ camps, and teacher training. This community helps leaders develop skills and knowledge through training and networking. We provide a platform for suggesting trusted resources and useful materials that fit the needs of each unique ministry, and we connect leaders to one another for collaboration and support.
The Compassion, Education, and Health KMA provides support and encouragement for Asia Pacific global workers working with compassion projects, educational ministries, healthcare, and disaster relief. Our members pray for each other, share ideas and resources, and discuss current trends and issues.
International Churches
International church ministry is exciting and dynamic, but its uniqueness can be complicated by the diversity of cultures, socioeconomic stratification, and varied church backgrounds within a congregation. International church pastors are often the only people doing this type of ministry in places they serve. The goal of the International Churches KMA is to bring together international church leaders to promote networking, offer equipping and encouragement, and provide exposure to models of effective ministry in a variety of contexts. View International Church List
The Creative Access Initiatives KMA is a tool to reach lost people in Asia Pacific through nontraditional ministry channels. We support fields and individuals in developing unique business-as-mission platforms that provide access to the never-reached, with the goal that the gospel of Jesus Christ is represented and active in every community in Asia Pacific.
Development and Care is committed to providing professional and personal support to help Asia Pacific global workers grow and experience healthy lives and ministries. Family and ministry life are challenging in a cross-cultural context, and these challenges can be compounded by isolation and scarce resources. Each area of Asia Pacific will have a member care and mentor advocate to identify and meet specific needs at the local level. Training of leaders will be ongoing in order to support our global workers and their families.
Our Media KMA is designed for creatives who want to use their unique gifts to impact the world. People using talents in areas such as video, photography, writing, and art, are pioneering roads in missions, breaking geographical and cultural boundaries to bring the gospel message to the never-reached. In addition to evangelism, our heart is to resource churches and global workers all across Asia Pacific. Collaboration is key as we share and work together to bring ideas from drawing board to reality. We are idea generators, tool creators, and message communicators with an incredible passion to share the love of Jesus.