Deposing Kingdoms
What is spiritual warfare? What does it look like in real life? Designed as a field guide for those engaging in the work of pioneer missions, this book provides biblically grounded answers to these questions and more. This book explores the Ephesian story in Scripture and church history as an example of spiritual warfare, filled with gripping stories from the field and sensible applications.
"Deposing Kingdoms" provides practical, biblically grounded insights on spiritual warfare, drawing from Ephesian scripture and missionary experiences to guide believers in navigating and defending against spiritual battles.
The Last Nation
As the remaining peoples who have never heard the gospel come into focus, intense battles rage on the front lines of the fight for their salvation. With characters risking everything to bring the truth to these unreached peoples, this book not only explores the power of prayer but delves deep into the tremendous sacrifice required to make a difference.
Empowered: Ten Days To Be Filled With The Power To Go
People being filled with the Holy Spirit has changed the modern world. It isn’t a new thing, because the Holy Spirit fills and empowers people in every generation. Yet in these last days there is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit transcending gender, age, and ethnicity. This ten-day devotional is written for readers to experience the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit flowing through their lives as we see in the Book of Acts.
““Empowered takes you on a ten-day prayer journey of encountering the purpose and power of the Holy Spirit. I highly recommend this study; we must have God’s empowerment in our own lives before we can effect change in the world around us.””
““I recommend this devotional book to all who recognize our utter dependence on Him to be who we are called to be and to serve as He asks of us. Empowered will refresh your hunger for the fullness of His presence in your life and to be filled, or refilled, with the Holy Spirit.””
““Jeff emphasizes how the Spirit’s infilling is more than speaking in tongues; it means we are under the Spirit’s influence. Empowered will be a helpful resource for anyone learning to rely on the Holy Spirit’s power to accomplish His work.”
Revelation: the End Times and the Never Reached
This insightful book examines the book of Revelation from the perspective of missions. Chris Carter brilliantly lays out God’s grand cosmic design for the redemption of all mankind and focuses on the Church’s response in apocalyptic times. It is a timely reminder in a chaotic world.
This workbook was written to accompany the Revelation book with supplemental questions designed for a small group context. It asks insightful questions to engage the reader with the author’s thoughts and with scripture, looking at the end times through the lens of the Church’s obedience to Jesus’ final command to ‘go into all of the world.’
““We live in a day when people desperately need to be reacquainted with the reality of what the Bible teaches about the end times. Read this book with an expectation that you are going to finish the last page with greater passion for the mission!””
““Writing from a deep well of scholarship and personal experience, this book reminds us in these uncertain and difficult times about what the book of Revelation is really all about. In Chris’ words, it “challenges us to change the way we live, to alter our behavior and bring it into conformity with His character. In short, reading Revelation should change the way we do absolutely everything.””
““Revelation, the End Times and the Never Reached simply reminds us that the gospel must advance though it cost us our money, homes, and lives. Crises have ever been the cradle for church planting in pioneer fields. Suffering precedes glory.””
GO: A 40-Day Journey To The Never reached
Jesus walked this earth for exactly 40 days after His resurrection. During those 40 days one word resounds: GO.
Dive into the stories and perspectives of people who love the Never Reached as they unpack why Jesus’ words mandate all Christ-followers to Go.
Let the words of this devotional draw you deeper to understand the heart of God for the Never Reached of the world. The Never Reached: those peoples who have never heard the gospel in their lifetime, in past generations or in all of human history.
This challenging book will be a catalyst for this generation to answer the call to Go because the Never Reached have waited long enough to hear the Gospel.
Paperback, e-book, and audiobook versions are available now—as well as a Spanish edition! And don’t wait to start the 40-Day reading plan on the YouVersion Bible App!
¡En Español!
The devotional workbook is designed to walk readers and small groups through the eight themes of the Go devotional book, asking thought-provoking and insightful questions along the way. Grow deeper in your walk with Jesus as you pray his heart for you and for the Never Reached.
Alongside the book and workbook, Regional Director Jeff Hartensveld and missionary author Bryan Webb guide readers through the eight ‘Go’ imperatives in Scripture, making for an inspiring and challenging atmosphere for a small group gathering.
““God is a missionary God. He modeled this by sending Christ. GO: A 40-Day Journey to the Never Reached is not about God and His Son. It is about you, going. Read this devotional carefully, allow the God who sends to speak to you.””
““A powerful and inspiring read.””
““This will inspire, challenge and compel you to go.””