Pray with our team


The Surround Me brochure and map provides focused prayer points for key areas of missionary life and ministry, as well as links to videos of missionaries praying for those areas. We can't thank you enough for surrounding our missionary family in prayer.

Pray with us through guided prayers sent in by our team living among and serving the Never Reached peoples of Asia Pacific.

“ I can never escape from your spirit! I can never get away from your presence!” —Ps. 139:7

God, we pray for laborers,

“If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me…” —Ps. 139:9, 10

we pray for protection,

“…and your strength will support me. I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night…” —Ps. 139:10b, 11

and we ask you to break spiritual strongholds built over centuries.

“…but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you.” —Ps. 139:12

Creative Access

  • Pray that opportunities for Business as Missions platforms would open up and provide access to build intentional relationships for evangelism.

  • Pray for skilled tent makers to answer God’s call with creative ideas to share the gospel with the never-reached.

Never-Reached People Groups

  • Pray that God would reveal Himself through miraculous signs and break the power of false religion and spirit worship.

  • Pray for protection, empowerment and open doors for cross-cultural workers and local believers to share the gospel with these never-reached people groups.


  • Pray for missionaries creating tools and training Christians to use online ministry to extend the gospel to the never-reached.

  • Pray that the window to share the gospel online would open and Christians could share their faith in complete freedom.

Trafficking and At-Risk People

  • Pray that collaboration and support would develop among local and national governments to combat human trafficking, domestic violence and child abuse.

  • Pray for partnerships with local churches and pastors to train in prevention and rescue for all levels of oppression and exploitation.

International Churches

  • Pray for new lead pastors and team members to plant International Churches in large cities throughout Asia Pacific.

  • Pray for Malang, Balikpapan, Semarang, Palembang, Batam, and Labuan Bajo – all cities in Indonesia where we hope to plant International Churches.

Compassion, Health, and Education

  • Pray that compassion ministries for widows and orphans would have resources to meet physical needs in order to open hearts toward God.

  • Pray for educational opportunities that may lift communities out of poverty and provide abilities to read God’s Word.


  • Pray that God would burden hearts, in Asia Pacific and America, to guide a generation of children to serve God.

  • Pray for children, who have experienced trauma, to receive physical and emotional healing by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Church Growth and Development

  • Pray for missionaries to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to effectively minister within the host church’s cultural context.

  • Pray for strength and perseverance for missionary families who plant and train as they serve through personal transitions and challenges.

Campus and Youth

  • Pray for student leaders to feel a burden for their campuses and have confidence to share the gospel amidst opposition.

  • Pray for creativity, empowerment by the Holy Spirit, and more workers as campus evangelism teams expand their impact.

Development and Care

  • Pray for the creation of practical resources that will equip new personnel to become successful cross-cultural workers and deepen their walk with Jesus.

  • Pray that God would call Pastoral Care leaders in each area of Asia Pacific who are passionate for the workers.

See the full playlist on YouTube: